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How To Get and Stay Motivated

A question I’ve been asked more times than I can remember, and more consistently than any other is, “How do you stay motivated (to exercise; in marriage; to eat well, etc.)”?

Knowing my answer to that question is personalized for my life, I don’t give an easy, or even intricate, recipe for getting motivated in the way most people want to hear. Instead, I believe there’s a response that can help anyone create their own lifelong motivation, so-long as they’re willing to dig deep. The answer is “purpose” and getting rid of the ‘perfect timing’ mentality.


Having a strong purpose eliminates the desire for ‘perfect’ timing (or you could even say it creates it) and that’s why knowing why you intend to do something is so important. Your purpose is the very root of why you’d like to do anything you do - why it matters and why you care.


Many people misuse the idea of ‘good’ or ‘perfect’ timing, and convince themselves that if the timing is right, the circumstances must be ‘right’ – so if the circumstances aren’t ‘right’, then the timing must be wrong. The biggest problem with that kind of thinking is that you’ll talk yourself out of doing things over, and over again. We can always find a reason to call the timing wrong and talk ourselves out of doing something we know we should. Understanding and accepting that holding out for the ‘perfect time’, especially in adulthood, is a huge stumbling block to making change will help you stay out of your own way. An example being someone who says they will start eating better when they have fewer social commitments or when ‘things slow down’ rather than saying they’re going to start now and simply acknowledge that it will be more of a challenge on days there are social, work or family commitments. Another example being someone saying they will treat their spouse, or someone in their life, better or differently when that person speaks or acts in a way they perceive as ideal, rather than saying they’re going to choose to fight for that relationship and choose to treat them with respect and love instead of spite. And even more commonly, someone who says they don't feel like doing something, like exercising or eating in a way that makes them feel their best.


When you determine what your purpose for doing something is, the timing becomes less important, and you’ll be more likely to get and stay motivated for the long-haul and less likely to talk yourself out of doing the things you know you should.

I hope this helps you in staying motivated and making changes in areas of life that need it. Pass it on to a friend, tag me in your social posts and let me know what else you'd like to see next by following @kelseyleedotcom and sending me a message!

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